Cant make disagreeing IDs on Android

Platform: Android app

App version number: 1.27.9 (551)

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Screenshots of what you are seeing:

Description of problem : While trying to make a disagreeing ID i get stuck because the keyboard blocks the buttons needed and it cant be closed. (see screenrecording). Here i use a Samsung S22.

I’m not able to replicate on my Samsung Galaxy S10e, either in English or German. The keyboard goes away after I tap on the checkmark. Do you have zoom turned on, or did you increase the system’s font size?

The next time this happens, can you please send us log files? To send log files, go to the About tab in the app and tap three times on the version number. You will then have the option to email the log files to us.

@tiwane I wasnt able to replicate this either when you posted it 12 days ago. But today i was able to replicate again. Still cant close the keyboard. But this time a tiny bit of the button was visible below the keyboard which allowed me to continue. Maybe a Android update caused it to be a little different now. All my zoom and font settings were left to the default. I tryed to get log files from the replication but the app says there are no log files available for today.

Can you please share a screenshot?

I’m also not able to get log files with my Samsung, but I can with my Pixel, which is very annoying. I alerted our developer but it might take some time to investigate, since…I can’t send him log files. :sweat_smile:

@tiwane While trying to reproduce for the Screenshot i learned that two requirements must be met to reproduce:

  1. The ID must be a Taxon that includes the current leading taxon. For example: “I disagree with Sedum album, but im sure it is a Sedum”. Disagreements like “Its not Sedum but Aloe” dont reproduce.
  2. There must be some Text entered.

Here is the Screenshot:

@tiwane Ah now i also understand: The buttons showing or not also depends on the length of the taxon names. That would be the third condition to reproduce.