Cardamine occulta: bibliography


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Translation of the Russian key:

  1. Cauline leaves auriculate at base: 2
  • Cauline leaves not auriculate at base: 3
  1. Biennial (rarely annual) plants, usually exceeding 15–20 cm. The stem is straight. Leaflets of various shapes: from oval to pinnate, but in the upper cauline leaves are usually linear-lanceolate. The pods are up to 1.5–2 mm wide: C. impatiens
  • Annual plants, usually not exceeding 15 cm. The stem is slightly curved at nodes(?). All leaflets are 3-lobed or tripartite. Pods up to 2.5-3 mm wide: C. graeca

3 (1). The lateral leaflets of the cauline leaves are linear or linear-lanceolate, often without a pronounced petiole: C. parviflora

  • Lateral leaflets of stem leaves are usually wider, with a pronounced petiole: 4
  1. Plants without a basal rosette of leaves. Leaflets glabrous on adaxial side (rarely with single short cilia along the margine): C. occulta
  • Plants with a basal rosette of leaves. Leaflets on adaxial side with short adpressed hairs: 5
  1. Stems in the lower half are covered with sparse hairs. The pods are directed obliquely upward. Cauline leaves 4-10: C. flexuosa
  • The stems are glabrous (rarely hairy at the base). The pods are directed upward, parallel to the axis of the inflorescence. Cauline leaves 1–4: C. hirsuta

Russian version of the second link, if anyone is interested.

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