Check List/Observations question

On the Check List page how is the X observations out of Y observed calculation done?

I ask because I have a project that I’ve been building up the Check List for and to date it says only 79 out of 1183 taxa observed.

However, the Place checklist page, which covers a smaller geographical area that is entirely within the boundaries of the project lists 279 out of 292 observed, and is a Place that has been added to the Project.

The Project Observation page gives 297 species listed as Research Grade, which is considerably more than the total number of observations listed on the Check List page for the same project.

What’s going on and how do we get these numbers to reconcile with each other?

NOTE that the exact numbers are likely to change by the time anyone reads this as I’m still adding species to the Check List, but the issue remains.

EDIT: I’ve tried downloading the Place Check List and manually adding that to the Project Check List, but the Project still returns fewer observations on the Check List than the Place does, despite the Place being entirely contained within the Project.

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