Did computer vision get worse lately?

Something we’re working on, but please keep in mind that iNaturalist has a total staff of 8 people, none of whom work on computer vision full-time (and some like me aren’t coders at all). With our current resources, we’re doing what we can. That’s just the reality of where things stand at the moment.

@chrisangell provided some really good answers about how iNat’s CV works and what it is and isn’t, thanks Chris. Not sure I have anything to add there, although we’ve done some experiments that show you which part of the photo is being used to determine a suggestion, which is really cool and would remove some of the “black box” mystery behind CV’s suggestions. Still lots of kinks to work out, though.

Regarding @odole’s bee photo - as I stated earlier, iNaturalist’s computer vision model is trained on iNaturaist photos of organisms. Almost no one uploads combined photos like this one, and I suspect almost no one uploads photos of bees that just show the head - usually most of the body is in the frame. Thus the CV model won’t recognize a photo with a dark blob in one corner and a sharp wide shot of a flower on the other side (or just a blurry bee head close-up) as a photo of a bee. I recommend posting separate photos rather than combining them.

Regarding @astra_the_dragon’s comment, I think she was referring to odole’s sarcastic sour grapes remark (at least it came off as sarcastic to me, as well as others) and that the topic has strayed quite a bit from its original question, which I answered here and here (and others of course gave great responses as well). If someone can find a consistent issue, please file a bug report. I’m going to close the topic as the original question was answered.