Platform(s), such as mobile, website, API, other: mobile & website
URLs (aka web addresses) of any pages, if relevant: n/a
Description of need:
I’m a mycologist interested primarily in the fungi of the Andes and Amazon regions. If I want to parse through observations meeting those criteria in just one country – say, Ecuador, for example – I’m faced with, at the time of writing, over 69,000 observations. Even after excluding the most common taxa via a URL hack – assuming that the observations going by that name are even accurately identified (they very often are not) – the number cannot be brought down to beneath 45,000. What’s more, once a user has navigated to around the hundredth page of search results, iNat generates an error, stopping the user from progressing any further.
In general, lower quality observations are accompanied by a single photo. More dedicated/experienced observers/collectors will know that multiple images of multiple fruiting bodies in multiple stages of development are necessary in order to form the highest quality observation. It is this kind of observation that I’m trying to filter for, and where I feel my identification energies are best spent.
Feature request details:
The feature requested is the ability to select/filter for observations which contain two or more images. This could take the form of a check box in the filters section [ie: Has Two or More Photos], or a modification to the search URL. The site already recognizes and graphically displays image quantity by placing a numeral at the bottom left of the observation thumbnail in grid view. This tells me that implementing this functionality ought not be so difficult to achieve.