How to change locality for species status display

i set the location for search for Estonia, but i still get setting for status and native \ invasive names for Israel, which i prefer to be for Estonia as i study the local flora there at the moment and have no need for Israel information a the moment.

Is there a way to change?
I will add photo

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You can change it in your account settings. See the following screenshot. Does that fix your problem?

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It was empty before because i dislike the fixated on explore section.
But i have put Estonia, and so far didn’t help, i will wait for tomorrow to see if some time update this issue

The Estonia place restriction on that page only affects the data in this section:

So it means there are no verifiable observations of this species in Estonia.

As for the common name, you’ll need to change that in your Content and Display settings. See

What locale is you account set to? I think that can affect the status that gets shown on the taxon page.

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So, 3 days later nothing changed.
but it was preferred on Israel lexicon, so i dropped that too.

,Now i tried the species " Ciconia ciconia" the common stork
while setting search results for Estonia, and being Native in Estonia check list, still, on the Stork page is says in the status “VU in Israel”

up to keep the post unlocked

Please provide screenshots of the taxon page and your common name account settings to help us understand the issue you’re currently experiencing.

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