How to remove an obsolete Place?

[update] I was wrong and the Place is not obsolete.

I have some observations from a new-to-me location, in investigating the existing projects and places I found what I consider to be an obsolete Place with a similar (but wrong) name. There are no observations within the boundary, the user that created it has never made any observations nor identifications (which violates the current rules for being allowed to create a place), and the user name greenspaceintern would indicate they never intend to return. I have searched Google and Google maps in an attempt to see if there is any relevant county or city park at the location. From google map satellite view, it appears to be a storage and staging site providing access for repair to a train bridge.

The obsolete Place:

The user id with no other activity:

The valid Place with which the above has a name conflict (also note the obsolete place is miles away):

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for whatā€™s itā€™s worth, the City of Houston does list San Jacinto Park as a neighborhood park within their parks system:, greenspaceintern was the account used to create a bunch of these COH parks in iNaturalist, probably based on the COH Parks GIS dataset.

the park with the San Jacinto Monument does seem to use the full official name in iNaturalist, although it would be nice to be able to associate ā€œSan Jacinto State Parkā€ as an alias.

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The only info I found from COH did not have an address so I had incorrectly assumed it was misplaced due to the unfortunate similar name. I had also assumed the monument area was a ā€˜State Parkā€™, but TPW indicates it is instead a ā€˜State Historic Siteā€™. Thanks!

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yeah, i think most locals think of the place as ā€œSan Jacinto State Parkā€. i donā€™t know the exact history of the name, but i think ā€œState Parkā€ was the original name, and then ā€œBattlegroundā€ was added maybe in the 1960s, and then in some recent restructuring of the state government, the site was transferred from TPWD to THC (Texas Legislature Online - 86Ā® History for HB 1422), and iā€™m guessing thatā€™s the point at which the site officially became a ā€œState Historic Siteā€ rather than a ā€œState Parkā€.

i havenā€™t been down there in a long time, and iā€™ve been meaning to visit to see some of the restoration that theyā€™ve been working on. is it worth a trip down there?

I do recall years ago there used to be a gate and now there is not, which probably changed when it switched form park to historic site. The marsh area was nice, I had never walked through there before. It is sort of a poor time of year to see much anywhere, so I look forward to visiting again in the spring. Note that if you start from the monument and intend to walk the full 3 mile marsh loop, once you get about half way the trail is very overgrown. And when you eventually make it back to the road, the sign at that south end says it is closed. We saw the typical ā€˜Houstonā€™ array of ducks and heron, and my wife caught a picture of a Bald Eagle.

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i took a trip over to the Battleground this past Saturday morning, since they open it early for birders the first Saturday of each month. i took the marsh trail you mentioned, but turned back at the road on the north end, since the signs said it was closed. so then i drove over to the lake on the east end to see if i could find any other trails there (not successful). still, recorded a total of 31 different bird species there (including a bald eagle, and my first swamp sparrows, green teals, and hooded mergansers), plus another 7 species a little bit to the north at the Juan Seguin Historic Park next to the ferry landing. so not a bad trip. iā€™ll have to figure the trail situation out better before i head out there again. iā€™m interested in seeing all the plants and insects once the warm weather fully returns.

by the way, i noticed there was a ā€œBattleship SHS & San Jancinto State Parkā€ place. so there are 3 variants of that place in iNaturalist.

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