Identify Mode "Page Break"

Some of what I am proposing has already been touched on here, but it was tangential so I’m creating a new topic as I haven’t found anyone else addressing this:

When using the Identify feature, I will not always mark observations as reviewed because I want to come back to them later or don’t want them filtered out if I search for unreviewed observations. If I reviewed any observations when I reach the end of the page and select “View More” then the page reloads with “viewed” but unreviewed observations at the top and “unviewed” and unreviewed observations at the bottom. At a quick glance I can’t tell the difference between these. This isn’t a huge problem as I find the “unviewed” observations fairly quickly. However, after several rounds of this, the page is mostly full of “viewed” observations and I’m left clicking “View More” after just a few observations. When a page fills up with “viewed” observations the process repeats, but on page 2. I could select the next page, but then every page is partially “viewed” and partially “unviewed” which is unhelpful. I don’t know what the best way to do this is, but I’d like to move all the observations I’ve already looked at but haven’t “reviewed” somewhere off the page. This could be with another category, like “Mark as Interesting” or “Mark for Future Reference” but that’s probably unnecessary. It’s more temporary than that. I also wondered if something like “send to back” would work—just putting all those “viewed” observations at the end for later. But I think what I really want is more freedom to manipulate the pagination. If I could create a page break after I’ve “viewed” every observation on a page, then the “unviewed” observations that were partway down that page would be at the top of the next one and there would be an incomplete page at the front that only had observations I’d “viewed” but not reviewed. This way I could amass (and possibly merge) pages of “viewed” observations which, after I’d gone through all of the observations I’d filtered for, would be the only thing left. Maybe this wouldn’t work so I welcome other suggestions to fix the issue.