A question for the brains trust… I have set up a traditional project called “Bats in Backyards - Flying-fox watch” The aim is to learn about what plant species flying-fox are feeding on in the urban landscape. Members will upload a photo of a plant, then confirm the flying-fox interaction via an ‘observation field’ pre-requisite pop-up. Does this sound like the most appropriate way to gather this data? I’d appreciate any advice/comments.
That sounds like it would work. If you are focused on a particular area (like Australia) you might try adding a geographical limit to the project, which I think you can do. I think you can also add taxon limits (ex. Plantae only). These might keep your data cleaner if you get a lot of participation.
You might also consider adding a journal entry to guide people on making the best observations (ex. cultivated plants are fine, but don’t forget to mark them; include pictures of flowers/fruits, whole plant, leaves; notes on how many bats visited/how long they stayed/how often they come would be great [or whatever]).
Started from South Africa, but open to all.
Thanks for your reply @m_whitson. Good advice re. the journal entry - I wasn’t clear on where to put extra information like this so that is helpful. Cheers.
Thanks for your reply @DianaStuder. Definitely food for thought. Cheers.
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