I recently discovered that I added a space to a tag I was adding to just a few observation entries. I think I have found them all but, it makes me wonder if I have misspelled or mistyped a tag when adding an observation. So, I would like to see all of my tags to see if I need to correct any.
I looked in my profile and did some searching without success.
i don’t think there’s a way to see tags created, but it should be possible to see tags currently used by extracting / downloading all your observations and their tags. from there, you can parse through the observations that have tags to see what’s going on. right now, it looks like you have two observations (221634315 and 221634314) which use the tag “C.C. area” instead of “C.C.Area”.
I reduced the number of observations retrieved using the dates. Then, after downloading, it was a simple matter of sorting by the column with the tags.