Menu text for new OSM map is not consistent and often doesn't fit space available

Platform Website

Browser Chrome (haven’t tested others)

Where Identify modal, Info tab

Screenshots/description of problem

Most of the time, the menu option for the new Open Street Map tiles reads “OpenStreetMap” and extends beyond the menu to cover the map.

Sometimes, the menu option reads “OSM” and fits in the available space.

I can’t find a reason why one option or the other is displayed. I prefer the second option as it is neater even if it’s a little more cryptic.

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Thanks, we’re working on it. covers a similar issue.

Does it matter how narrow your window is?

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Right now, it seems that I can’t reproduce the issue. I only see the “OpenStreetMap” menu text.

I don’t believe the window width was a factor when I saw this issue yesterday. The screenshots I posted were both taken from the same Identify modal. The only difference was that I zoomed in and out a couple times in between those screenshots.

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I can’t replicate your issue either, in Firefox or Chrome. Let us know if you come across it again.

OK, will do. I did see “OSM” appear at some point today, but I forgot to pay attention to the context. In positive news, the menu block appears to have expanded horizontally to accommodate the “OpenStreetMap” text.

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If this still isn’t happening, I’m going to close the topic.