When one dead specimen is added as observation to a project having a specific time period, should it count towards the data for the particular project?
For example, project like “Big Butterfly Month 2024 India” is for the butterflies observed during the entire month of September, 2024 in India. But, when an observation of dead butterfly is added during first few days of September, it is almost certain that the butterfly might have died before commencement of the time period for the project. In such case, should this data count for that particular project?
Opinions please.
I don’t see an issue with this as long as the date of the observation is for when the observer saw the butterfly. As you said, the project is for
so if that’s when the observation happened, it meets the project criteria.
If you wanted to exclude dead individuals, you could make sure all the observations were annotated and then exclude the dead ones based on the annotation.
If people are posting observations of dead specimens, like from a museum, with dates that don’t represent the date of capture, those should be marked as “not wild” and then excluded by filtering for RG observations.