Rename "Research Grade"? (discussion and polls)

I’m not seeing that quote. I’ll just copy Scott’s post over so that it’s here for easier reference.

From @loarie in July 2018:

We’ve been doing a lot of analyses of the proportion of incorrectly ID’d Research Grade obs. From the experiments we’ve done, its actually pretty low, like around 2.5% for most groups we’ve looked at.

You could argue that this is too high (ie we’re being too liberal with the ‘Research Grade’ threshold) or too low (we’re being to conservative) and we’ve had different asks to move the threshold one way or another so I imagine changing would be kind of a zero sum game.

One thing we have noticed from our experiments though is that our current Research Grade system (which is quite simplistic) is that we could do a better job of discriminating high risk (ie potentially incorrectly ID’d) from low risk (ie likely correctly ID’d) into Research and Needs ID categories. As you can see from the figures on the left below, there’s some overlap between high risk and Research Grade and low risk and Needs ID. We’ve been exploring more sophisticated systems that do a better job of discriminating these (figures on the right).

We (by which I mean Grant Van Horn who was also heavily involved in our Computer Vision model) actually just presented one approach which is kind of an ‘earned reputation’ approach where we simultaneously estimate the ‘skill’ of identifiers and the risk of observations at this conference a few weeks ago:

you can read the paper ‘lean multiclass crowdsourcing’ here:

Still more work to be done, but its appealing to us that a more sophisticated approach like this could improve discriminating high risk and low risk obs into Needs ID and Research Grade categories rather than just moving the threshold in the more or less conservative direction without really improving things