Scientific names in italics in ID remarks and comments

I have a long, deep and abiding dislike of common names.
In fungi there are two species with the same common name, Pig’s ears. Gyromitra ancilis and Gomphus clavatus, one an ascomycete and the other a basidiomycete.
Many species have multiple common names due in part to different localities having developed different names over time.
In the Audubon Field Guide to North American Mushrooms the author, Gary Lincoff was required to create common names for all mushrooms in the book that did not have one (or more) already (personal communication).
The scientific name refers to one species not multiple. I am well aware of synonymies while species placement in the phylogenetic tree gets worked out. There is a code for that.
Common names may be created by anyone for any reason and if it sticks…