On the mobile app (mine is iOS on an iPhoneX), it’s possible in the Explore tab to search for a project using terms that are in the name of the project, but this function seems to crash and close the app sometimes. I believe what’s happening is that it crashes if there’s more than one project name that fits the search. Example: I search for “LTMCP” as a Project term, and it crashes, because there are two projects with LTMCP in the name. If I search for LTMCP Vine, it will correctly show the LTMCP Vine trail project (the other LTMCP project doesn’t have Vine in the name).
I can replicate this, I’ve filed a bug report: https://github.com/inaturalist/INaturalistIOS/issues/547
In my computers the search for a project takes a while (which is, to me, more than usual other searches here).