The environments where Mycterus curculioides lives

Good morning.

Can you tell me, in France, in which environments the species Mycterus curculioides lives?

This is the kind of question that can best be answered using your search engine. Here is what I came up with just searching the binomial: MYCTERIDAE | uk beetles

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OK, thanks for the link (being, frankly, I mainly focused on the information in this language).

Is this data also available for its French distribution?

Did you try following the suggestion and doing an internet search to find this out?

As I said just before, I did searches in the French pages (so as not to struggle to find the right results) but without success.

just as dscussed for your terrarium and animal cam threads, it would be helpful if you kept related posts about animal distributions in one thread or at least reference earlier threads so that others can get an idea of what you’re trying to accomplish and what kind of information has been provided before.

it seems like the reason you want to know this information is:

… and here are similar past threads:

if you’re going to ask others to help you gather information for a site, it would be nice to at least point folks to your site so that they can understand exactly what you’re trying to produce at the end of the day. this will prevent a lot of the back and forth and guessing that others have to do to try to provide information for these queries.

I am willing, but will it be of interest to these people if the species concerned does not yet have its profile on my site?

Maybe not French specifically, but the website I linked said

In Europe adults occur on flowers in sunny grassland areas.

Adults occur on flowers, especially those of Apiaceae in grassland habitats, often on slopes exposed to the sun, and are often abundant in warm weather; they have a long season extending from February to June in southern parts of Europe but are generally active from mid-March to May. Larvae are thought to develop in stems and roots of herbaceous plants and have also been recorded under pine bark.

I doubt that France is so unique that it would be different from its habitat in Europe in general.

It is not our job to do your research for you.

If the answers you are getting in the forum are unhelpful, it is probably because you are asking very specific questions with no context about why you are trying to find the information, or what resources you have consulted already. It is unlikely that anyone here will just happen to be familiar with the organism in question – we will have to look it up also.

Nowadays, a large percentage of scientific literature is published in English. If you are looking for information about a particular species, it is likely that you will have to be prepared to consult literature in languages other than French. If it is not a species that is well-known to the general public, there may not be Wikipedia or field guide articles on it. If a search using your search engine of choice is unsuccessful, you may need to consult scientific databases instead and learn to read and interpret the technical terminology. Some scientific articles may be paywalled, but in Europe in particular scientists are increasingly encouraged to publish open access, so a lot is available.

If we know what you have tried and where you got stuck, I imagine there are people here who can help you with the process of figuring out where to look next and navigating scientific literature.

in the interest of full disclosure, you should be telling other folks what the site is if you’re asking them to help you with it. even if you don’t have a profile for a particular taxon, i’m sure there are other taxa profiles that can provide an idea of what you’re trying to accomplish.

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