What is the strangest thing missing from your life list

I visited my sister in law who lives in the Arizona desert. I asked where I’d have to look to find a scorpion. She poked around in a closet in the utility room and found one for me. Apparently they are house pests.


In parts of Texas as well. Had to check shoes before putting them on. Got stung by one in the middle of the night as well. Hmm. I’m missing one from my list now that you mention it. :)

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Same when I was in Nova Scotia this summer.

Apparently quite common to see in the area of Sweden i live in (the west coast), but i have never in my life seen a firefly.

I can’t believe I’m about to admit this publicly, but I’ve never seen a Ring-necked Snake.

Good night moon


I don’t have any observations of amphibians that are NOT frogs. I’ve gone looking for salamanders and newts, but alas, I haven’t seen any…except that one time I didn’t have my camera.

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I’m missing a lot of really common stuff. But, considering the vast majority of my observations are from home I’m fine with not having any observations for ticks, cockroaches, rats, or mice yet! I’m definitely lacking in most categories other than insects, arachnids, and birds. I only have one fish, two amphibians, one reptile, and eleven mammals. There are even some really common birds that I see all the time, but have had trouble photographing… like fast moving swifts. I haven’t had much interest in doing plant observations so that definitely keeps my overall species count way down too.

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