Within a few minutes, several acounts with very similar screen names have each made an observation of a photo of some living stone plants on a computer screen. I am suspecting the acounts of being duplicates.
What should I do?
They appear to be students in a poorly organized class in Hong Kong. Probably the best approach would be to try to find their teacher and ask that person to read and adopt the iNaturalist Educator’s Guide.
One of the accounts has been on iNat a long time. I guessed this may be the teacher and sent them a message with a link to the Educator’s Guide.
Thank you!
I was wrong about the teacher…
But I do think these weird semi-anonymous accounts were created for a badly conceived school project.
Unless they start posting a lot more observations, I probably would just ignore them.
For future reference, if you think that some accounts are sockpuppets of other accounts, please submit a ticket: https://inaturalist.freshdesk.com/en/support/tickets/new Staff can investigate.
what is this supposed to link to? link is broken?
Apologies, it’s fixed.