I’m the Adopt-a-Beach assistant coordinator (more of an apprentice since I don’t get paid, I’m only 14,) for the Baffin Bay clean up. I was wondering if you all in the area would like to participate in the Beach clean-up closest to you. For Baffin Bay, this is the Facebook group for the clean-up there. You can sign up here to give us an estimate on how many trashbags, snacks, waters, etc. This clean-up is to help clean our beautiful beaches and protect wildlife from eating trash. The clean-ups will all be from 9a.m. till 12p.m. You can get community service hours and in the Baffin Bay clean-up, snacks and drinks will be provided by Kleberg County pct 3. There will also be prize giveaways provides by the Texas GLO. No charge and is open to the public. Hope you can make it!
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