Why is there no 'evidence of presence' chart?

Many annotations have a chart on the taxon information pages, yet the ‘evidence of presence’ annotation doesn’t get a chart. Does anyone know why?
(this is the charts section for tui as an example)


I imagine an “evidence of presence” chart would look exactly like the general seasonality chart, because the observations used to generate the seasonality chart are, by definition, those that show evidence of presence of the organism. And an observation with no evidence of presence of the organism isn’t really something worth graphing for general use- I guess it would show how many times per month someone uploaded something they claim to be a particular species, but without any evidence in the picture that the organism is actually there? Might be useful for some application I can’t think of, but not very useful for the general species page.

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I think they mean a chart showing the different types of evidence (organism, construction, track, etc.). This might indeed show some seasonal variation – e.g., a construction is likely to endure even when the organism itself is not currently present – though I suspect the amount of information that can be gleaned from this is probably less than the other charts.


you can show observations over different time intervals using various other tools. see https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/add-option-to-include-captive-observations-in-seasonality-charts/48492/4.

for example, if you wanted to see that information for observations of butterflies in the United States where evidence of presence = organism, this would be the relevant set of observations: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?taxon_id=47224&term_id=22&term_value_id=24&place_id=1.

so using either of the tools mentioned in the first link, you could just apply the parameters taxon_id=47224&term_id=22&term_value_id=24&place_id=1, plus whichever time interval parameters you like.

you could also use your favorite scripting language to do something similar using the iNat API via /v1/observations/histogram (ex: https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/1m-observations-this-month/2582/4).

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On the mobile phone app, there is an ‘evidence of presence’ chart.


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