Wildlife Trade Observations: Strategies to Enhance Quick Identification and Interinstitutional Communication

Hi everyone! I work for the National Institute for Biodiversity here in Ecuador and we have been thinking of a way to better the communication between the authorities in charge of denouncing them and process these observations. We recon agility to identify these species is key to mantain a proper process since many of these legal denounces don’t proceed due to delays , particularly in identification efficiency and the way Environmental Police and the governmental institutions in charge have a communication between them to proceed with these cases. So we though of iNaturalist to do so, and we’re thinking of ways to better the timing that users see these observations, creating a sort of alert button that pops up inmediately whenever these kinds of observations are being uploaded, so the identifiation is quicker and also the notification to the interested users. Now, you can get iNaturalist notifications on your email, but do you know of any other ways to enhance these notifications or communication between institutions in your country?

I’m open to your kind advices and suggestions.




Buenas tardes, Andrea:

Aquí hay una discusión reciente que toca el mismo tema: https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/observations-suggesting-wildlife-trade/37532/6

Que opinas?

Saludos desde Yucatán,

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Hola, Andrea, un método sería crear un proyecto tradicional, y animar a los identificadores interesados a suscribirse a él.

[edited to add translation]:

Hi, Andrea, one method would be to create a traditional project and encourage interested identifiers to join it.

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@ tiwane can you please spellcheck the title, and/or in some way boost this, or categorize this very important contribution from a highly respected member of our national scientific community who is also a leader of the iNaturalist Ecuador network.

This topic warrants serious discussion, here, or amongst a more mature audience if the admins see fit.

Thank you, tiwane

I spellchecked and lightly edited the title but there isn’t a way to boost or categorize it otherwise, aside from pinning it, which we don’t really do except for the About categories.

I agree with @deboas that a traditional project would be a good, here’s an example of one: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/species-in-trade @shellfishgene created it. Any time you load the project page you’d see the newest observations added to the project.

iNaturalist doesn’t send push notifications to apps, nor do we send immediate email alerts aside from those for new messages. We do generate notifcations on the website and in the Android app for @ mentions, so that might be the best bet to alert people quickly.



I sincerely appreciate your assistance, and expedience in responsiveness.

Thank you again.

Hola, coincido en que sería bueno crear el proyecto para agregar estos registros, con un campo de observación asociado. En cuanto a las notificaciones no estoy seguro si existe alguna manera de suscribirse a un determinado “campo de observación” https://www.inaturalist.org/subscriptions?type=observation_field para que al cargar página de inicio aparezcan automáticamente las observaciones?

También, para las notificaciones, se me ocurre que una buena manera podría ser copiando el link “Atom” de la pestaña “Filtros” con las observaciones del proyecto ej.: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?project_id=81977&place_id=any&verifiable=any&captive=any añadirlo a un lector de RSS y ahí activar las notificaciones para cada vez que se añada una observación, o simplemente poder visualizar estos registros más fácilmente en un feed, ej.: https://feedly.com/i/subscription/feed%2Fhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.inaturalist.org%2Fobservations.atom%3Fverifiable%3Dany%26page%3D1%26spam%3Dfalse%26place_id%3Dany%26captive%3Dany%26user_id%3D%26projects%3D81977


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