You know you're seriously into iNat when

Yeah I’m trying to start identifying more! ^^

I don’t have the energy or knowledge to do it as fast or efficiently as most, but I try to do some every day, even if it’s just going through some species I’m confident with or bringing down broad ‘insect’ and ‘arthropod’ observations to order or family


I have a repertoire of bookmarked URLs. Some I can clear every day. Some which keep sliding back to, not now, next time … Pre-Mavericks are 2 against 1 and can be easy clicks - you need to know if you are with the 2, or with the Proud Maverick.

Pre-Maverick Insecta (but push back to your chosen location first - almost a quarter of a million waiting there)

Pre-Maverick Arthropoda tips it over a quarter of a million

We will be removing from the projects those which are already at rank Family or lower. Taxon specialists clear those.


Spiders are very creepy I agree

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iNat has helped me a lot with that issue.
I will never enjoy being surprised by one.


Nah, they’re cute.


Especially jumping spiders. (°OO°)


What? How do I even make myself to even think they are cute? Literally Jumping Spiders are so creepy, also their bites are similar to a bee sting which is bad because they go into my home sometimes and what if I accidentally hit them while I am sleeping and then I wake up hurting very bad? I do not want to wake up to that. I remember when I was just sitting on a chair and then a Jumping Spider started making a web on it and then I literally jumped off the chair and threw my laptop and it got a bit damaged.

To my knowledge, jumping spiders don’t make webs.


It was definitely a Jumping Spider, it looked tiny and had hair on it also it was a Bold Jumping Spider and it had some blue things on its face and had a white pattern. It also went onto the floor and kept walking around on it which was creepy. But I couldn’t take a photo of it because it got sprayed with insect spray and died from it then got threw away even though it’s an arachnid not a insect.

They don’t usually make large network webs but they often make small little pockets for sleeping with some accessory webs extending out a ways.

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Interesting! I didn’t know that. I’ve always thought they couldn’t make any webs at all.

No they’re not


Jumping Spiders are the cutest little creatures ever! I used to be terrified of them, but I love the tiny ones. Their eyes are so adorable!


When it’s your fifth year on the site! I started iNat on Feb 6, 2021.


Yes, and they jump on you! I don’t know why that makes me so happy, but it does.


But then when they die, it’s so sad… :(

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you know when you see a rat and your first instinct is to excitedly point it out to others. (not even because I particularly like rats - my brain skipped ‘what is it’ and went straight to ‘it’s awesome and others should know!’)


when you start having dreams that amazing (and nonexistent) spiders are all around you and crawling on you, but your camera seems to be out of batteries. Talk about a nightmare!


But that’s good!

Ahh, I see.


Yeah, my camera breaking down seems to be one of my worst fears. I regularly have dreams about seeing something really cool, but my camera lense expands five feet, or the batteries are dead, or I just forgot my camera to begin with.