just google: extension service
in the state I’m in now, it’s run by the state university system
in the state I used to live in, it was run by counties, but that was a long time ago and might have changed.
Google will know where you live so it will likely turn up the extension service in your area.
I can’t really describe what the extension service it and get it right. But they offer household and agricultural help. They often know about pests, bugs, trees, preserving food, gardening, etc. They might have info on the bugs.
And I don’t think you want poison control. As I said, try the public health dept in your area. Again, google : Public Health Dept and google will find one near you. They might have info on the health effects of the bugs on people and how to mitigate them.
But those are your next steps. Besides referring you to those offices, I will agree there’s no one here that can help.