A register of genera that could be "easily" raised to research grade?

Because it does help the IDing process here on iNat to clear the “needs ID” pile
I do ID some taxa that will never be able to get lifted above genus in certain parts of the world. Yet most IDers are (understandably… it took me quite a while to start using it myself) hestitant to us the DQA “cannot be improved” and send those obersvations to RG. Leading to two different kinds of situations I have observed:

a) I come across observations that have been evaluated by 4 or 5 other IDers already coming to the same conclusion that genus is the best we can do… still it was served on my plate of “needs ID” and I can put my 6. agreement on genus on that observation, knowing it will not make a difference and yet another IDer will get it served as well, if I do not use the DQA

and b) as this situation is kind of demotivating for IDers, some of those actually easy to identify genuses do not get bothered with at all anymore… leading to a situation that observers do not get a feedback on their actually easy to solve “nedds ID” at all and wait for a response for years…

I am now using the DQA more frequently to clear the plate for other identifiers so they do not have to waste their time on observations that have been seen by other identifiers and cannot be improved.

The good thing is, if the observer is not happy with that, they can easily countervote my vot on the DQA and send it back to “needs ID” if they want. But in most cases they seem fine with my desicion


This I understand. But this was not the proposition put forth in the original scenario.

Bolding mine.

Nowhere in the original proposal is the DQA mentioned, only the lack of daring of those who do not specialize in genera/species/complex that are “difficult to identify”.

The conversation appears to have shifted far away from the original proposal, which is the one to which I asked “Why?”

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