Agreeing with experts and "research grade"

(This is reply to a post in another topic but the post and reply are slightly off-topic for that topic which dealt with changing the wording on identification downgrading. I felt these two belong better here as the concern centers on expert users. If I am in error, please correct me!)

My apologies if I am misunderstanding, but once two other users disagree by identifying at the genus level and choosing the second option in the disagreement popup dialog box, the observation will “bump up” to genus and lose species level research grade status. And I see this process happening and playing out as I work through older observations. This takes time, and perhaps in this age we want instant answers. That said, in the plant world identifications can take years, with some of Charles Darwin’s collections apparently only now being identified. I know there is a desire to have single vote authority to reverse a misidentification, but iNaturalist is community science, citizen science, participatory. And with time, iNaturalist reaches consensus in a process akin to science: a community working towards agreement.