Personally, no, I never do that. My identifications represent my own opinions, and I think blindly agreeing with experts just amplifies problems when the experts make mistakes. I don’t know why people get so hung up on making things “Research Grade.” I wish we’d just called it “Arbitrary Green Label.”
My only caveat is that I do consider an expert identification to be one of several sources of information I might consider in making my own identification. E.g. if Mark Egger (a Castilleja expert) says something is Castilleja applegatei and after consulting Jepson and Calflora I’ve narrowed it down to C. applegatei and C. affinis and I’m just not sure how glandular the hairs have to be to make it C. applegatei, the fact that Mark ID’d it that ways suggests to me that the degree of glandularness in this particular photo is glandular enough for that species. Though frankly I’d probably still ask Mark to confirm that.