Agreeing with yourself

A guideline, is not a rule.

If one followed iNaturalist’s own help text you posted as a hard rule, this would disqualify use of iNaturalist’s own CV :

As you say, there is a difference here in that it is denoted by the CV icon.
But then I would never add an expert ID without adding the name of the expert who gave me the ID.

The CV is an incredibly powerful generalist.
It’s not yet comparable to taxon specialists.
Choosing to give some arbitrary weight to the CV over international expertise in this context, makes zero sense.

As I said, this action isn’t just my personal approach… I’ve seen many of the major Diptera identifiers pull IDs from experts off site in support of iNaturalist observations. But yes… I certainly advocate for it.
The alternative could be (for example) that a rare photographic observation which has species-level identification from the sole person capable of identifying it globally gets left at family or genus and just becomes lost in the ether. That’s just shooting ourselves collectively in the foot.

FWIW I would also advocate for blind-agreement in order to overcome issues caused by the limits of the algorithm or UI.. But that’s another story!

In general, common sense should trump overly pedantic adherence to a guideline which was clearly written with other use-cases in mind. The help page is not a bible to subscribe to dogmatically.