An Idea To Promote Explosive Growth for INaturalist and its Data

It is definitely a team effort - and in general I have to say that it helps when people try to make as many identifications as possible - I often go through piles on a higher taxon level, just to get them closer to the respective identifiers of the group… that is pretty fast work… I love all the suggestions on how to identify more observations for others here, and have a look from time to time: … a favorite of mine is to go through the oldest unidentified records of a certain group first - because there is often a mixture of fun little puzzles (tricky species, some that were pre-identified as the wrong taxon, disagreements and just bad photo quality…). More or less regularly, I go through a particular species or genus of one of the insect groups I work with - but depending on the group, this can be very fast or very slow. Both of the latter options to go through species that need an ID can be quite slow, but in my opinion are just as important as reducing the overall pile of unidentified observations. In the last few days I have been working on getting my identification stats a bit higher (, but now I am again back to thinking that in the end all stats and numbers are relative, depending on what your focus is… (Nevertheless, I will keep my identifications up, don’t worry - as along as my time allows… - Part of my self-employment is also the identification of (mainly collected) insects, and I volunteer to identify species for another (regional) species observation website as an expert…).