Annotation Sunday

Here is a link for doing life stage annotations for moths/butterflies. They are a really easy group to do.
(this will not include obs you have marked as reviewed or IDed so you may want to check the “reviewed” box and do those first)

Keyboard shortcuts reminder (you have to be on the annotations tab for these to work)
L then A for Adult
L then P for Pupa
L then L for Larva
L then E for Egg
(you don’t have to use capital letters, it just makes it easier to read here on the forum)

If the observation is of a gall, don’t mark a life stage unless the gall has been cut open and you can see what stage it is in. Don’t mark larva for a leafmine unless you can see the caterpillar in the photo. Don’t assume a glued together pile of stuff is around a pupa. Some species built these structures and carry them around when they are a larva/caterpillar.