Anyone else miss a chance to document a truly epic observation?

Too may to think about too much without tears. I think the most memorable was a day in 1984(ish) when I was driving in the Chobe enclave of Botswana with the chair of the local cooperative, a man with an enormous wealth of bush craft. We came across of group of crowned plovers making a tremendous racket and leaping about with much flapping and thrusting of bills. I stopped the truck and we watched for a bit. Neither of us could figure out what was going on. My first thought was that it was some sort of territorial issue between nested pairs but the grass was long enough that we couldn’t see much detail. My colleague was as puzzled as me.

I had a camera on the seat beside me but for whatever reason it got left behind when we climbed out and crept over to spy on the birds. We got pretty close before we were noticed. We could see that whatever they were doing it involved something on the ground and one bird appeared to be staying put and pecking at something while the others dodged in and out but we didn’t get to see much before the birds saw us and fled. The young Cape cobra that they had been beating on popped up, looked around and saw only us. It was seriously annoyed. Young individuals of that species are quite beautiful. This one was a golden colour with an indigo hood. It came at us. We ran to the truck and it gave up the chase somewhere in the grass. No photos but some very, very vivid memories.