Bump Observations Back to "Needs ID" if Photos are Added

I think that the purpose of adding a photo is usually to add information that further confirms the observation.

If someone were to add a photo that would change the observation, they would most likely withdraw their ID.

I agree that notification to those who previously made an Id is a good idea

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We’re not going to change the quality grade of the observation. Generating a notification is something we might do.


I think that is a great compromise.

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Adding new photos does not equate to it being a fresh observation. I have slow internet and typically only include one photo when I first upload an observation. Uploads of 2 or more photos takes a long while and the app usually times out. For observations that I want to include extra photos I will upload them after the fact. Sometimes I receive “RG” quality grade before uploading a second photo. To bump my observation back to “Needs ID” is unnecessary and would annoy local experts that regularly ID.

Users use the platform in a number of ways that work for them and given the slow internet connection, this is how I troubleshoot.


The feature request is here: https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/create-a-draft-mode-for-uploaded-observations/2538, consider voting for it.


Thanks, I have now voted for it


I think we’ll be going with notification route here, so I’m closing the request.