Change wording used by the system when downgrading an observation to an higher level taxa

A newer thread addressing the same topic ( has just been shut down by a moderator, sadly, because this issue persists and causes a lot of unnecessary confusion and frustration. I was writing my suggestion for a change of iNat’s process (which currently violates basic logic) when the discussion was closed.
I believe my suggestion is essentially the same as @fogartyf’s. I’m pasting it below.
Please note that there is no point in repeating the identifier’s taxon choice on the buttons for the different options explaining possible reasons.

  1. Intention of the identifier:
    “I’m fairly certain it’s the higher taxon I’m suggesting but I personally don’t know what it could be within this taxon. I’m not disputing the original choice.” This is current option 1.
    Text on button:
    “I don’t know what it could be within the taxon I’m suggesting. I’m not disputing the original choice.”
    The taxon is displayed as a normal ID suggestion. The displayed/registered ID for this observation is not changed.

  2. Intention of the identifier:
    “I’m fairly certain it is not the original choice but it is within the higher taxon I’m suggesting”. This expresses clear disagreement with the original choice. It is what current option 2 ends up implementing but the current wording on the button for option 2 means something completely different.
    Text on button:
    “I disagree with the original choice.”
    The taxon is displayed as an ID suggestion with the usual statement about disagreement. The displayed/registered ID for this observation is downgraded to the taxon suggested by this identifier.

  3. Intention of the identifier:
    “I’m fairly certain that an ID at the proposed taxon level is not possible based on the provided evidence but it is within the higher taxon I’m suggesting.” This serves the case where the identifier is aware that it may well be the original choice but more evidence is needed to be sure. It includes allowance for the possibility that the ID may be improved by additional or better photos, or photos of the habitat, or a DNA sequence, etc. This is what the current button text for option 2 sounds like but not what iNat implements afterwards.
    Text on button:
    “I disagree that an ID at the originally chosen taxon level is possible based on the provided evidence.”
    The taxon is displayed as an ID suggestion with a new statement like, “[identifier] disagrees that an ID at the [taxon] level is possible based on the provided evidence”. The rest is a bit tricky. I believe it would be fairest if this option counts as a “No” vote in the evaluation of the quality grade of the community taxon, but the displayed/registered ID for this observation remains unchanged.