Changes to the Agree button/functionality and addition of Markdown in comments and ID Remarks

first, i want to thank identifiers for identifying. part of the magic of iNaturalist is that the observation you submit might be identified by any one of 150,000 people from all around the world, many of whom are the best at what they do, and who all do it on a voluntary basis. thanks for your hard work.

i’ve done around 5000 identifications for others. so i don’t do anywhere near the volume of identifications that many others do. i personally don’t imagine that i’ll feel much of an impact to my own workflow because of the loss of an Agree button in some cases, but i can calculate how an extra 2 seconds each over, say, 10000 identifications can easily translate to an extra 5 and a half hours, and i can sympathize with what that means for super identifiers.

i get a feeling that many identifiers already feel overwhelmed with the volume of observations that are out there to identify. i admire the dedication to a cause and personal responsibility to take on the task of overseeing an entire taxon or an entire place. but in the grand scheme of things, with the amount of observations growing as fast as it is, i think that taking on that kind of personal burden will become untenable at some point, even if the Agree button is preserved. if you’re thinking about to new workflows, you may just also want to think about that larger picture.

for now, i would urge folks to just continue to identify as best as you can. if you would have identified 10000 observations at 5 seconds per identification in the past, and now it takes 7 seconds per identification, then just do 7000 identifications. or even better, do 3500 identifications with half the time, and spend the other half of the time mentoring others to be better identifiers. (ultimately, i think sharing the identification burden is really what’s needed to tackle the growth in observations in the long run.) or just take a break, if that helps to recharge. this is supposed to be enjoyable. so please enjoy what you’re doing.

i get the sense that some people feel disrespected by the change or perhaps the lack of communication in advance of the change. (how could they make such a change that has such an impact on a core thing that i do in the system without at least getting my input? if it wasn’t worth anyone’s time to find out how i work, then obviously all the time i spend isn’t valued very much, right?)

i think the right way to express such frustration is not simply to quit and burn bridges or to issue a “roll back the change or else” ultimatum. i think you’ve got to express your points in a way that you can make sure they get heard, and at least allow for a response. for example, i don’t think it would be unreasonable to ask that the points in this discussion here and on the journal blog be summarized into a list of concerns and proposals for action, with arguments for and against each item, and then request that iNat respond to each item. from that, everyone will get a better understanding of the situation, i think.

it may also be worth talking about ways to prevent surprise changes in the future. as iNaturalist’s user base grows and diversifies, certain wide-ranging changes may deserve a little more input and consideration before they are implemented. certainly you wouldn’t want analysis paralysis, nor would you want to have a vocal minority to drive all action. you also wouldn’t want to add too much administrative burden to the small iNaturalist staff. but there’s got to be a good balance between discussion up front and dealing with complaints and inquiries on the back end. obviously since iNaturalist is a private entity, they can do whatever they want, but maybe they might find that having a structured process for previewing and discussing big changes might be useful to at least ensure folks aren’t surprised by changes in the future? (the way some governments publish a periodic register and hold public input meetings might serve as a model.)

as for the merits of the Agree button, i’m personally ambivalent about it in general. yes, it might help speed up the process of identifying for some folks in some cases, but is the Agree button really the thing you dream about at the end of the day? really, i think most super identifiers just want a fast way to make identifications, right? the Agree button just happens to be one of the fastest ways to make IDs on certain observations right now, but i bet most would be willing to part with it if there were other ways to make IDs just as fast (or faster).

just as an example, this time of the year, i’ll often look at observations that have been identified as Rudbeckia amplexicaulis, and i’ll end up invariably doing one of 3 sets of actions in 95% of cases:

  1. ID as Rudbeckia sect. Rudbeckia + comment “probably R. hirta or something similar. R. amplexicaulis would not have hairy green parts like this.” + annotate as flowering
  2. ID as Ratibida columnifera + annotate as flowering
  3. ID as R. amplexicaulis + annotate as flowering

so instead of having an Agree button (especially since i’m often the first to make a disagreement), i would much rather be able to press 1 to do #1 above, press 2 to do #2, and press 3 to do #3. that would save way more time for me than having an Agree button, i think. so i’d encourage others fighting for the return of the Agree button to think about and be open to other (possibly better) alternatives.

the need to keep an open mind to alternatives also applies to some of the other considerations that were brought up. for example, folks said they use Agree as sort of a social lubricant or as thanks for an identification. sometimes i think that a little heart button on an identification would be equally effective, with fewer unpleasant side effects.

my point is that just as we don’t want to make changes that cause us to go backward, we don’t want to go back to simply go back to the way things were, if the same level of effort could take us forward.

and with that, just as i thanked identifiers at the beginning of the post, i’d like to thank iNaturalist staff. i know you all have to balance many priorities, and i know you have to make unpopular decisions sometimes. on balance, i think you guys are doing a great job. thanks for your hard work.