Common names invented on iNat

is contradicting following (at least if by “going rogue” you mean creating new names on iNat)

Because if nobody is agreeing with creation of new names on iNat, how could we discuss whether we agree or not? Then we all disagree and we can move on to the actual topic of this thread - how to stop creation of new common names by iNat users. Or people on iNat will have the courage to say that they enjoy creating new names and that they like that every organism they observe has a unique common non-Latin name. In that case we need to look at the whole thing from a new perspective and start discussing what functions we expect from common names and if our expectations are realistic. I hoped this can be avoided by building on top of existing guidelines.

I completely agree that everything written above by everybody are valuable opinions. They just do not respect the specific topic and therefore this is another valuable yet broad discussion of common versus scientific names.

There were many discussions at this level and I can not add much useful to them. I went now through some of the older discussion threads and actually everything I wanted to discuss was already discussed and it did not reach any conclusion. I think @joe_fish expressed here very clearly all my concerns and also many of the possible solutions or strategies I tried to suggest.