Computer vision IDs should not be eligible for Community ID opt-outs

Oh I see. . And of course If the original ID were X-us Y-us, and three disagreeing IDs said Genus Z-us, the original ID would be maverick but that would not normally make an observation research grade because the CID is still at Genus. So I think my original wording is ok; I believe that opted out IDs should become casual at whatever point they would normally have become research grade (if the CID =/= the OID). That is the point they would normally leave the ID pile - why should opt outs be any different?

I’m glad to see this has drawn so much discussion.

My question to the decision-makers at iNaturalist: Is this on anyone’s radar? Are any changes being discussed? If not, why?

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I’m going to close this request. A small number of users opt out of CID, and opting out is already a complex and confusing thing. I’ll also note that the CV model is continuing to improve and should provide few well out of range suggestions since this request was made.

I think a filter on the Identify page that lets you remove opted-out observations from the Identify pool for you would be a better solution if you want to avoid those observations.