Data Extraction from Observation Fields

you can find the available parameters for the API’s observation histogram endpoint at:!/Observations/get_observations_histogram

i think the data for your graph, assuming place_id=64492 (Northeastern US) and taxon_id=119933 (genus Reticulitermes), could be obtained via this API request:

it returns:

   "results": {
      "month_of_year: {

you can use your favorite scripting language or data analytics tool get the data from the API and create whatever kind of chart or graph you like.

for example, this page will visualize the data in a bar chart like yours:

or here’s an example of a line graph done in R:

and here’s an explanation of how to make a bar chart using Excel:

let me know if you need any other information.

EDIT: i just remembered that if

iNat has an “experimental” Compare tool, which could help you create comparison graphs like so: