I’ve been thinking on this issue of how to more easily capture usernames of identifiers in a concise and useful way in an export. Currently we have fields for num_identification_agreements and num_identification_disagreements. Without getting too deep in right now, I don’t think this is currently calculating as you might expect, but what if we fix the logic and essentially replaced these counts with lists of usernames?
New fields proposal:
Shows usernames associated with identifications exactly matching the observation taxon (i.e. the taxon_id exported in the csv and displayed at the top of the observation detail page).
Shows usernames associated with identifications that do not exactly match the observation taxon. This includes identifications of the observation taxon ancestors as well as maverick IDs.
Would this mostly satisfy your desires to search for observations identified by specific users, @nathantaylor @cthawley @jdmore ?
(Editing to add clarification that the “observation taxon” is the taxon currently associated with the observation, which may be ahead of the community identification (CID). We recently updated the images and text on this topic in Getting Started.)