Dissenting ID Comments Would be Useful

Stepping back a bit:

  • Your problem: you want to be able to ID something in the future

  • Identifiers problem: there are too many IDs to make to take the time to add details for each ID

IMO, this is a structural issue with iNat. By that I mean there isn’t really a place where identification identification information lives, so it can’t be found and transmitted to observers/new identifiers (besides Wikipedia/other sites). Not saying we need to discuss this point further here – it’s been discussed a lot (e.g., 1, 2 & 3), and iNat staff have responded to it, although I don’t know what their current thinking is. Just providing some context for you @das43 as to why this issue pops up, in my opinion, and in the short term what everyone has said already is good advice. Happy iNatting!