Same! And I have so much social anxiety that if I see I have a new DM with a subject like “IDs” from someone I just did IDs for, I spend about 3 days emotionally preparing to open it, composing all sorts of possible messages in my head that it might contain- “How dare you disagree with my IDs!”, “Why did you add uselessly vague IDs to something!”, “Who are you to dare ID my stuff!”… And when I finally open it, the body usually just says something like “Thx ” and I breathe a sigh of relief but I’m too worn out to respond. lol
So I can certainly relate to
Paul_dennehy, I can say that I am ALWAYS EXCITED to see your name in my notifications list because I know that someone who really knows moths has looked at my observations. I am so honored and appreciative of your help.
I liked to be thanked, the more the better. It makes me feel like someone appreciates my work. I try to thank as many people who ID my things as possible.
It’s not annoying. A thanks is nice.
A thank you is always welcome. But don’t tag me every time.
I’d appreciate a thank you for an identification that took a lot of time and effort to make, perhaps the first time that this species has been identified on iNat.
But often the observer does not have a clue as to whether something is easy and quick to ID or tricky and requires some serious searching and studies (usually I leave a link to references if this is the case)
Sometimes I get a thank you comment or even a message from users with many observations identified by me and I appreciate this. Yes say thank you once in a while or for some specials.
Another thing I like about identifying is when I see that an observer is learning from my Ids and subsequently is capable of identifying things on their own - that’s even better than lots of thank you saying.
( … and sometimes I get annoyed when I see users repetedly misidentifying things that I have identified for them many times - this is the opposite of gratitude)
(and the ones who ask for ID help. Say ‘thank you!’ And leave their %%%% wrong ID to block the CID) Rant over.
I completely agree! I stoped subscribing to taxonomy since it was too overwhelming and I couldn’t see people’s replies. Lol
Yeah, for the mass-identification type of people, tagging is prefered in more important scenarios.
Yep, that is worthwile another short rant, hehe
Wdym by that?
I orginally said:
You replied to me:
Yes the thought behind the thank you is always nice, but the reality is that quantity of notifications can be a problem for some inaturalist users. I have made 109,740 idenfications in 2,040 days. If literally every person commented “thank you” after every ID I made, I would get an average of 53 or 54 notifications per day that just said “[person] added a comment to an observation” and I would have to open all of them to make sure the comments were not questions I should answer or discussions I wanted to be a part of. And all of these notifications would be in addition to all of the notifications I already get regarding other people’s identifications on observations I previously identified, etc. So yes a thank you is nice, but I also stand by what I said–if everyone thanked me it would get annoying. Good thing that is unlikely to happen. Plus of course I am talking about my personal situation. For people who do smaller numbers of identifications, the notification quantity may not be not an issue.
So please don’t anyone hesitate to thank me if you want to, but if I gave you 10 IDs in a day, probably thank me once, and if I regularly give you IDs over a long period of time, maybe just thank me once in a while rather than every time.
Lol. I used to get 100 notifications a day when I was subscribed to taxon.
I see what you mean. I’d still like it though, lol.
So you are missing discussions where you added an ID, and might need to reconsider because the ID has moved on?
Say you have an obs of an insect. Not sure if it is A or B. You ask a relevant insect specialist for help. Specialist comments - not B because … or it is actually C because … You say thanks - that’s nice, but. You need to withdraw your ID of A, so that the ID of C is the new Needs ID.
If you get an informed reply to your question, the onus is on YOU to respond appropriately.
Management of Notifications is a long-standing problem. On an active obs, all the previous identifiers get notified.
John added an ID.
John commented.
And withdrew his ID,
then added it again. (Why?)
John commented.
John @mentioned you.
Our only option is to not see agreeing IDs. But I want to see WHO agreed.
Ah, I understand now! Thank you for explaining!
Please at least don’t tag - takes only precious time to look, what “someone wants” - "it just becomes something else to filter "…
Not much of an exaggeration! Since you’ve made more than 280000 identifications, that would be a whole lot of notifications to look at, and “Thank Yous” to read.
Thank you!
You’re welcome!
(Now never thank me again! ;-))
Relevant screenshot from my account a few months ago:
In case anyone isn’t aware, 10,000 thank-you’s will break the notification system and it maxes out and won’t count any higher. lol
That if proof that we need better management of notifications.
I wonder if that will ever happen.