Does iNaturalist have an official birth date?

No. Just visiting and enjoying each week.

All we are saying… is give piece a chance.

And maybe a second too, if there’s ice cream.

Sounds like a potential fundraiser: give iNat a birthday present

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If there’s a convention/conference for the 20th birthday in 2028, I want to go!

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Ah, but note that that 10th Birthday blog was posted by @tiwane on 24 March, which adds further evidence that that is the actual birthday. But why are staff being so cagey about confirming the exact date – is there a deep state conspiracy to keep us guessing? ;>)


Maybe they were hoping nobody would notice. It’s a very tasty cake, or so I’ve heard.

Hey, this means iNat is now ‘sweet sixteen’. That’s a digital birthday too! (Sorry, nerdy observation disorder here.)

Next thing you know, it will be asking to borrow the car keys. [sigh]

So fast.

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You are already a passenger, along for the ride.
iNat IS driving us.

The Magic School iBus?

(So when do I get my shrink ray? Will there be Scooby Snacks?)

iNat knows JUST how to tap into my particular brand of obsessiveness - observe every organism you can? Sure! ID all the elderberries in eastern North America? I’ll work on that! Add IDs to 100 observations for Experiment 0.3 over breakfast? Seems like a minor task - sure! Help with the local CNC, run a plant ID-a-thon, focus attention on invertebrates in my state? Well, why not?

I can think of worse ways to spend my retirement.


My bus has - wow - look at that - poppy?! from Algeria

@lynnharper note to self. Do not. NOT. Bookmark another URL. Doesn’t work, I have tried.

And My Bus has baboons - live - here - interrupting my iNat session

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You get to watch baboons! You are so lucky - I’ve never seen a wild one. But when I’m IDing, I can see my front yard out of the corner of my eye. I see the juncos and White-throated Sparrows feeding among the remnants of my flower garden. I have seen a bear cub and fishers running up and down my driveway (and I live in a small town). I’ve seen two White-tailed Deer browsing in my garden. There are leeches and small bivalves (pea clams?) in the tiny lily pool I put in my back yard (I need to remember to photograph those when the water warms up) and Gray Foxes drink from that pool. Life here is good.

I have a bookmark folder labeled Miscellany. I put things in there, but I rarely remember to look at them again.

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Where is your project for ?
That is an easy way to remember the good ones.

I didn’t count the baboons since they were next door.

I don’t have a project for my home. I guess I don’t really see the need for it, for me, although I can understand why others might want such a project. I don’t really care how many species I’ve seen in my yard, nor how many observations I’ve made, but it makes sense to me that other people might care about that for their own home.

I’d say in general we use March 20th as the “birth date” of iNat, but we’re mostly thinking about the future so it’s not a big topic of discussion or debate. It’s definitely crazy to see how much iNat has grown. I remember prepping this 25 million observations video back in 2019. iNat’s now got 7 times that number.


The spring equinox (for northern hemisphereans) seems a good memorable date to use.

Way down South autumn rain is when our plants start their year, after aestivating.

It is an interesting idea, especially due to the fine details. The date, of course, does vary from year to year. Another complication is that at the moment that it occurs, there are two different dates, depending on what time it is in different parts of the world. For an unambiguous definition of the birthday during any given year, we could of course use whatever date it is at the point on Earth where the sun is directly overhead at the moment of the equinox. Longitude of the location of the sun’s zenith, by itself, would not always work because time zone boundaries and the date line are not straight. That’s why to apply your suggestion unambiguously, we would need to use the date at the single point on Earth where the sun is directly overhead at that moment.

Well, the exact timing of iNat’s “birth” is somewhat nebulous so precision is probably not possible or necessary.


That’s true. What really matters is that we agree on what the official birthdate will be.


Because we really need to all agree on the date of the big party.

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