"Duress" and "Contest" users

Can someone contact the admin of https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/tugas-zoologi-vertebrata? The students are posting almost exclusively captive animals, and even the wild ones are often missing information to be RG. It seems like maybe no one explained to them how iNat works.

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It seems that someone already did. Now there are few obs that are ā€œwildā€

Oyā€¦ Virtually all of the observations appear to be from a zoo. Was that the intention of the project perhaps? I canā€™t believe all the participants could get it wrong to that degree.

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I wonder if the instructor actually made the assignment dealing with zoo animals and just thought iNaturalist would be a handy platform to record it.

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I started in iNat by ā€œcataloguingā€ a botanical gardens, essentially a zoo for plantsā€¦ I am now far more involved with the environment than I was at the start, and I doubt I would have ā€œgot hereā€ without that project. In fact, this weekend I am presenting on ā€œbugsā€ at our National Arboretum for the Botanical Gardens of Australia and New Zealand (BGANZ) openday. These ā€œcaptiveā€ places are where the majority of people engage with ā€œnatureā€, and if you are going to cultivate a love and passion for the wild stuff, you need to take the opportunities to reach these people while it presents. These ā€œparticipantsā€ didnā€™t necessarily ā€œget it wrongā€, so much as they have ā€œmade a startā€. Reach out and change hearts and minds while the opportunity exists.


Iā€™m not sure if I remember a different dedicated thread for posting issues like theseā€¦
A lot of dead insects are being posted recently from Webster, New York state: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?lat=43.2036988296&lng=-77.4694874142&locale=en&order_by=observed_on&place_id=any&preferred_place_id=6883&radius=50&subview=grid&taxon_id=47120
One student said on his or her observation that itā€™s for an AP Biology project, the location for the observation isnā€™t quite accurate, and fixing it isnā€™t a big priority. Based on that Iā€™m guessing the locations arenā€™t accurate for many of these, and because the observations arenā€™t being collected in an iNat project I donā€™t know how to find the account of the person who organized it to contact them.

Probably this one: http://www.websterschools.org/schroeder

Sorry to reopen this topic after such a long time, but I had to chime in.

This is basically what happened to me. Iā€™m 13 years old, joined iNat for school purposes, and now have 999 observations and 1601 IDs (many of which are on Unknowns). All of my observations are of wild organisms, and I am active on the forum. However, I might never have found this site if not for my science teacher.

Several things differ between my experience and the ā€œnormalā€ situation for students on iNat. First, my class was given no instruction beyond ā€œparticipate in this projectā€ - that means no obligation to submit lots of observations, no requirements for a specific number of IDs, nothing. Second, I am a bit of a loner at school. Nobody really likes me, and my closest friends are the teachers. Iā€™m also the only kid who brings a camera to school and photographs birds during recess. So itā€™s not that surprising that I was the only one to complete the assignment, or that I instantly fell in love with iNat. Another difference is that I was sent a link to the website - not the app. I probably couldnā€™t use the app if I wanted to, since I take pictures with a camera and I donā€™t even own a phone (I told you I was weird). But from what Iā€™ve heard, itā€™s easier to understand and learn about iNaturalist on the website.

Just sharing my experience here, hope it helps.


The majority of people on the planet probably donā€™t own a phone, that puts you in the majority, not the weird (coming from someone who does not have a Facebook account and never has).

Thereā€™s millions of people out there who enjoy nature and naturalizing, I only wish I had discovered it that early.

Good luck on getting observation 1000, and then the next thousand, and the next thousandā€¦


Thank you so much for sharing your experience! iNatā€™s a place that not only helps us understand and value nature, but also other humans as well. Itā€™s so easy to make assumptions about people we canā€™t see in person, so understanding someone elseā€™s experience is really valuable.

I think many of us here had similar experiences and felt the same way, and Iā€™d hazard to guess even the popular kids have those feelings as well, even though it might not be apparent. Iā€™m sure people like you, everyone is just trying to figure out who they are at that age (heck, Iā€™m still doing that in my 40s) and it can take time to find people to relate to. Itā€™ll get better, just be true to who you are and open to who others are.


I take it your peers do have smart phones? Iā€™m old enough to remember a time without cell phones, but not old enough to have children your age, so it seems crazy to me that people still in a life stage involving ā€œrecessā€ can download apps!


Welcome to the fourm @janetwright!

Old topic, but I agree with the designation of ā€œduressā€ users especially. I am a student (and only an undergraduate, at that), albeit nontraditional, and had to use iNaturalist in 2020 for a school project. My peers had a difficult time with it and most did not continue to use it after the project was over. Those that did I believe had accounts before the project, as well. I can attest that the instructors for the class repeated ad nauseam what the rules were; no cultivated plants, etc., and that it didnā€™t seem to matter.

I very deeply believe in the goal of iNaturalist: to connect one to nature. That being said, the quality of observations should matter. This means marking cultivated/captive appropriately, proper dates and locations and other etiquette.It is disheartening that so many student projects are fraught with these issues. There must be a solution, because iNaturalist is an invaluable resource and deserves the reciprocated respect.


I wanted to reply to this at the time, but itā€™s taken me this long to find the relevant videosā€¦

Adam Savage, from ā€œMythbustersā€ series, has been doing a video blog thing over the covid lockdowns, and some of them he is answering questions from regular viewers. In this particular episode he answers questions about his favourite ā€œteachersā€ā€¦ and I found some parts of his answers to be quite noteworthy.

The whole video is worth watching, but he starts the teacher answer here:
and this one particular teacher and her comments is well worth noting:

you donā€™t have to wait until college either, here in iNatā€¦ ā€œwe see youā€ :)


Solution is teachers who care, this year we had some very successful projects considering observation value, all observations were checked by the teacher, if it wouldnā€™t happen itā€™d be as in other projects, were students search photos from Internet and so on. Young people need a lot of guidance if theyā€™re not motivated enough to do things right and most of these projects are not the studentsā€™ decision.


Oh yes, most if not all of the kids in my class have smartphones, and the girls especially spend all the break times watching silly videos and giggling about them. @cmcheatle Youā€™re right that the majority of people on the planet donā€™t have phones, but youā€™d definitely think I was weird if you were a teenage girl where I live.

Adults too. Most of my family (on my momā€™s side anyway) is like this - my mom and grandmother both have flip-phones rather than smartphones, and Iā€™ve seen both of them be teased (albeit kindly) for being ā€œold-schoolā€.

Thank you all for your support! I feel so welcome here, more than anywhere else, because of the kindness and understanding of people like you.


To be fair, I am 30 and Iā€™m always watching silly videos and memes on my smart phone. I just also make time for biodiversity :)


Welcome to your tribe!


Bah, I wouldnā€™t be so hard on yourself. I started finding groups of people based on interested at about your age. While smartphones werenā€™t a thing then, I did have the internet.

While the forum strays older users, we have a pretty populated Discord server that makes me feel like Iā€™m an ancient being. Itā€™s been one of the forces that have targeted areas that are swamped by duress and contest users (channel work-party is a godsend), and thereā€™s likely quite a few Discord people who were formerly in that camp. If you feel comfortable with Discord, Iā€™d check it out.


Honestly, I havenā€™t tried the Discord server much since I donā€™t really understand it. Online communication is not my forte. Part of the reason I like this forum so much is that itā€™s primarily older users who donā€™t expect me to know about the latest technology, and who accept me as part of their community without discriminating based on my age (I like to think that just based on my responses here, I could pass for an adult!)