"Ecofacts" and growing out of acquisitiveness

On iNat then ecofact = wild, artifact = Homo sapiens and Not Wild.

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I missed the thread about pet parrots and canā€™t seem to find it. Can you help me do that? We are the custodians of four parrots, two of them endangered species. They are castoffs from othersā€”people who bought them and dumped themā€”and they were all bred here. We just had to say no to a fifth, and Iā€™m still filled with grief and concern about his fate. One of our birds had three previous homes, one four or five. They are amazing creatures, and they are hardly decorations. We adore them and structure our lives around them. We canā€™t travel. We donā€™t usually go out together. One of them is plucked to hell, and they all regular destroy our woodwork. And although it would break my heart in ways I cannot hope to convey, if they could be happily returned to the wild I would do so in a hot second. Many people with parrot companions feel the same way. We struggle mightily to keep them happy, knowing we will fail to give them the life they deserve. They are all free flighted and very, very, very rarely caged (for their safety only, or the safety of a guest who needs to use the restroom), But our house is a cage of course. The appropriate size for a cage is miles of rainforest.

They have taught us to be more aggressively anti-acquisitive. There are people in the parrot community who are reprehensible in this regard, of course. I would say nature now has an even bigger stake in owning me. In addition to donating to local environmental programs, I know tithe for parrot repatriation groups, rescues, and population monitoring and poaching prevention programs for the Greys and Sun Parakeets.

As an avid birder, it is often painful to see the wild ones without thinking of the loves of our lives and wishing they could be free.

I collected a few rocks and shells as a kid, but I was taught to let nature be. Good parenting matters, and we must forgive childhood errors. I celebrate the thoughtful person you have become.


Here is the other topic:

Thank you for doing what you can to work with an unfortunate situation.


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