Greta Thunberg's Rain Frog

As I’ve stated elsewhere, I’m very firmly against any species being named after an individual, no matter how good or influential a person the may be.

Unfortunately, the ‘auctioning off’ of names is a long established principle (organizations or people who sponsored expeditions often got species ‘found’ named after them even back in the 1800s) and people sometimes name a species, especially an endemic, after an organization or person in an an effort to keep them from exterminating said species (I have a friend who works in limestone karst ecosystems who does this sometimes).

I disagree with this wholeheartedly (I’m in a situation where I could have “flexed” a bit and gotten several species named after me).

Howerve, the situation is as it is, we have the GoldenPalace. com monkey (the Plecturocebus aureipalatii - added a space because I didn’t want to link to the casino) sponsored by a Las Vegas casino stupid things like Dracorex hogwartsia, named after Harry Potter lore, “Hobbits” (Homo floresiensis) and more.

Given the larger picture, I don’t mind something being named after Greta nearly as much as I mind some of the other names.

Also, there are a lot of us who have been raising alarms about climate change and such for far longer than Greta has been alive. Good on her for getting attention, but it is also kind of ridiculous as it’s not even remotely a new message, nor is the fury about it new either. She just hit at the right time to become a media darling, but there were many before her with equal passion, even at her age.