I really like your field drawing!
I agree with Lucy, that is a great field drawing! I think I’ve seen your art on the forum before, you always draw organisms with accuracy and artistic talent. I should do a lot more field drawings. Especially since I am quite a bit better with drawing than I am photography.
So useful and fun.
Quercus turbinella and others.
Not from my area, but the seeds of Momordica cochinchinensis (gac fruit) look kind of like Turtles chocolates.
Very cool!
Native for my wife are the popping pods (Pletakan in Indonesian, Ruellia tuberosa) which explode just lovely when soaked in water. Last year, I collected a bunch and giggled as I watched them pop from a bowl of water. Jokingly, my wife and I considered importing them as an alternative to the artifical fireworks for New Year’s Eve.
Birchleaf Mountain Mahogany (Cercocarpus betuloides) is a local favorite of mine, all fuzzy and curly: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/176695515
How interesting! It reminds me of something I’ve seen before in the Midwest, but I’m not exactly sure. What a neat looking plant!
Samara seeds, maples and others.
Shiny Biscuitroot (Lomatium lucidum) observation here, with knuckle included for scale: