I simply don’t understand why people do not put at least a general ID of plant, animal, fungi, etc.
I tend to agree with you. Still, I managed to get it wrong even though I was pretty sure at the time.
I had found what I thought were lice on a cherry tree, wondering what kind of lice they were. iNat and other apps were of no help (so I thought), they just insisted on IDing the plant, but none would come up with an ID for the beasts… So I just left the ID vaguely at Sternorrhyncha.
Three years later, it turns out that the beasts weren’t beasts after all, but extrafloral nectaries:
iNat and the apps had been right all along, and I was fooled by the presence of an ant and those red balls on just one petiole. What to me had looked like the beginning of an invasion of parasites was an integral part of the plant. ;-)