And huh, I might be wrong about observations needing a community taxon. Now that I’m looking back at vision model update posts, in May 2020 (in comments), Ken-ichi says “observation taxon or a community taxon”, which is a bit concerning as far as cultivated plants goes.
Training data gets divided into three sets:
Training: these are the labeled (i.e. identified) photos the model trains on, and include photos from observations that
have an observation taxon or a community taxon
are not flagged
pass all quality metrics except wild / naturalized (i.e. we include photos from captive obs; note that “quality metrics” are the things you can vote on in the DQA, not aspects of the quality grade like whether or not there’s a date or whether the obs is of a human)
I guess that validates my concern here:
(the FAQ says “This has changed over time, but as of the model released in March 2020, taxa included in the training set must have at least 100 observations, at least 50 of which must have a community ID.”)