How did you choose your iNat username?

L.J., thank you so much for making this post! :heart_eyes:

When I clicked on your link about

Prohibit Curators from Changing Username

I was surprised to discover the option to change my username!

I originally chose “awarg” as a shorthand for my name — Adam WARGon — in order to avoid too much typing while logging into iNaturalist. I also used “awarg” here on the iNat Forum.

However, I’ve since found that I mostly stay logged in, and I’ve grown to regret the cryptic username!

Thanks to your post, I was surprised and delighted to find out how easy it is to update my username!

I’ve just changed my username on both iNaturalist and here on the iNat Forum, so now it is my actual name.

I’m grateful to you for this discovery! :pray: :smile: