I’ve been reading a lot of topics that have been coming up lately, and I am sure it is not even close to a new cry:
We need more identifiers! But how to find them/motivate them!
Often also being paired with
I would like to learn to identify more, but I am too worried I am not going to be helpful!
And often that part of the conversation seems to kind of… fizzle out, doesn’t it? Or goes around in circles. I understand why- it’s rather a big thing isn’t it, to try to solve? It’s likely in fact entirely unsolvable ultimately. There will always be more ID’s flowing in than IDers to handle them. That’s okay, in fact, it makes IDing super interesting (for me) and exciting because what am I going to see today here that I didn’t see yesterday???
But back to the actual topic-
I’d like to start up a list/discussion here about what people ID and what they would like to learn how to ID. Specifically, what you can ID well and would be willing to talk to others to help them also learn how to ID your area (narrow or broad) and what areas you would be interested in learning from another user about in the same regard.
I know a lot of this happens very informally on the site itself. Some folks on the site have already written these amazing articles on how to differentiate this species from that (these are my favorite, when I find them/am linked to them but I am sure there are so many I’m not even aware of). This is, likewise, informal and maybe it won’t go anywhere, but I’d like to see who of us who like to ID and have particular pet areas might be willing to share that knowledge with another person/persons in a more mentorship role?
It’s easy to say ‘well, someone could go do the research’ and yes, that’s true and people should! So if that’s your answer to this then maybe this isn’t the right fit for you and that’s okay! Sometimes finding the right resource is a challenge from the beginning and maybe this will help facilitate that for some people. Maybe I’ll be the only person to throw out there my answers to this and this will fizzle completely. But I suspect there are at least a couple people in each camp that might be interested. Have a guide you have previously written but don’t want to worry about more? Pop that link up, we want to see it even if you don’t want to active mentor in a different way.
Will this get any kind of ball rolling? Who knows. Has someone tried this already? I tried to search the forum and didn’t really find anything but let me know if this is a repeat I missed and I should just quietly go and participate in an existing program someone has in place.
I am not an expert! And there is so much I still am learning, every day. But I get the opportunity to work with plants and wildlife daily, specifically the following:
I am good with:
Common to uncommon native plants (mostly dicots with some monocots and confiers) of the US North East and Mid Atlantic Region, with a focus on coastal saltmarsh and brackish tidal areas.
Invasive species of the same region
Horticultural species and landscaping plants
Something I’d like to learn better:
Dragonflies and damsel flies of the US NE/MA regions! (I’d love to learn more but I’m picking one thing to start with)