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Lots of solid advice here too How do you expand your knowledge of different taxa?

Being wrong about IDs is a natural and normal part of learning, there’s no shame in it. If Cunningham’s Law is right, I’ve found that ID comments are more helpful and constructive when I’ve mis-identified organisms than when I’ve correctly IDed.

If you do end up getting snarky comments about general IDs, just point commenter to:

I typically write:

@username, I was narrowing the ID so that it ends up in front of more people for better identification since leaving it unknown is discouraged, see:

Just pasting the link will make it clickable in comment. If the comment is very snarky, rickrolling is an option:


Note: Obviously joking about rickrolling, but putting URLs into comments, like shown above, makes it possible. I think the general consensus is to assume that even the snarkiests comments aren’t meant maliciously.