Is calling the Opiliones harvestmen no longer acceptable?

Why did someone do that? I looks like something unrelated to people and it seems like a weird animal. Its confusing ;_;

Same reason women is pronounced wimmin. Language is weird. People make up language. Therefore, people are weird.

And ladybug is perfectly correct for many people. It’s not about what the organism isn’t, it’s a name for what it is. Peacock Mantis Shrimp aren’t peacocks, mantids, or shrimp.


Especially when you considered ships were full of seamen

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I know, that’s why my comment continued with “jokes aside”.

I’m not going to touch that one.

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Most plants have both male and female bits, but some plants do have gender. As a gardener, I had to make sure I planted at least one male kiwi to make the female kiwis fruit and I have to make sure I don’t have any male cannabis plants or my females will develop seeds instead of large flowers.


PerSON? Should we go with Perchild or Perkid?


LOL a lot of these suggestions are starting to sound like Pokemon names…


I knew they were not peacocks, or mantids, but not shrimps as well?

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The evolutionary history of this overall group of crustaceans (Malacostraca) is still incompletely understood. Until recently, mantis shrimp were thought to be only distant relatives of true shrimp, being as closely related to pillbugs and crabs as they were to true shrimp. However, some more recent studies show a little bit closer of a relationship between shrimp and mantis shrimp. Still not a very close one, though.


there is a lady fern and a male fern. I’ve always thought lady fern was kinda one of the less pretty ferns around here, so perhaps it’s sexist, but then do you call them both person fern? neither name makes a bit of sense really.

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There’s Athyrium filix-femina (кочедыжник женский) and Dryopteris filix-mas (щитовник мужской) and first one is definitely more ornate and pretty.)

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